“I want to never stop opening up people’s lives.”

This quote is written on the front page of my journal and it continues to inspire me. It’s from one of my favourite authors, Julia Cameron, who wrote “The Artist’s Way” - a book and self-guided course on rediscovering your creativity. It’s also a guiding force for this blog and my artwork.

What you’ll find here.

  • art

    I started taking art lessons in 2017. I’m a big believer that you can learn anything if you embrace a beginner’s mindset. Sharing WIP and finished projects.

  • thoughts

    I’m curious about curating my taste and style. I get inspiration from so many sources. Here’s an attempt to record the things giving me life rn.

  • shop

    In May 2023, I started making my film prints available to purchase. You can support me by buying my art in person at art markets or online.